meditations on life & writing
an activist/poet/mother/writer's journal
Wednesday, July 09, 2003


Fiction is a narrative - a tale told by a narrator. Who will tell the tale? Through whose eyes will we experience the fictional world? How much is the narrator going to be allowed to know about the inner thoughts of the charachters and about the story's events? Through classroom writing assignments and exercises, we'll describe and define the advantages and limitations of various points of view as we work to master transitions, psychic distance, outlook and narrative voice.

Outta here this Friday. This is the description of my second workshop at one of this country's best writing conferences, hands down. People come from all over the country to learn how to do it better. Though there's much I could have done with the money, I prefer to advance my skills as a writer. Found a flight further away from my home than I would like, but hey, it could be worse. And I'll be solo for three days while Spouse has his turn at balancing the yin and the yang of Kid 1 and Kid 2. They'll be okay. Last year I worried. This year, ahem, .......they'll be aiiight. So anyone interested in discussing POV after this weekend, hit me up with questions. And since I've got to get myself, my submission and my wig tight before I go, I may or may not be blogging before my Monday return. If I do, it's because I've got something pressing on the gray matter. If I don't it's because I need time to get the gray matter in condition for receiving this much needed information.

Be good.


shared with you at 11:07 PM by Angel

Now That's Worth Writing Down

When we let Spirit lead us, it is impossible to know where we are being lead. All we know, all we can believe, all we can hope is that we are going home. That wherever Spirit takes us is where we live.....Alice Walker, Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth.


Bio and Background


Excerpts From "...and then there were BUTTERFLIES"

Birth of A Novel

Ushering Words: How Novels Are Born

On Activism

United Nations
We Rise
Refuse And Resist
Common Dreams

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The Progressive
The Nation
Mother Jones
Sun Magazine

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Zen Chick
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Meditation Center
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Arundhati Roy
Suheir Hammad
Daughters of Yam
Nalo Hopkinson
Cherryl Floyd-Miller
Jamey Hatley
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