......contract costs.....soaring.....budget deficit.....state spending.....not you remember the part in Waiting to Exhale when Angela Bassett and Wesley Snipes were sitting in the bar of a hotel and Angela said to Wesley, something like, "It's not the fact that he left me for a white woman that hurts so bad, it's the fact that I didn't have a Plan B.
I'm curious, how many people these days have a Plan B? I mean a Real Plan B? An out? An around? An "If this happens then this is what I can step over to" type of plan? Well, at the jive ass mandatory meeting the other day, we were very sorrowfully informed that layoffs are imminent and folks can plan to be out of work come June 27th. One week of severance pay for every year you've been employed with the company. Yea. Folks were up in that room looking all shocked and befuddled, asking all kinds of questions that ain't nobody up in corporate able or willing to answer. I wasn't shocked and I wasn't befuddled and I damn sure wasn't asking any questions. You see, I was raised by a SBW (S does double duty as Strong and Single) who taught her 6 kids--especially her four girls, of which I am one--to always, always have a Plan B. That goes for career, relationships....everything. Be willing and able to walk at any given time. Mama said to always let your love for a man outweigh your need .... in other words, make sure you can roll at any given time. Keep an up to date resume, make sure you don't burn bridges cause you never know which one you might have to cross again.
Last November, I knew it was time to make a change. I was full time but working for this company full time was taking too much of my mind energy away and since we know that writing is only second to God and my family, I HAD to make a change. So, January 1st I switched to contract status and decided that I NEED to finish my novel. I'm a writer not a worker. I made up my mind to eliminate my debt .... let's face it, the only reason we work is because we've got bills to pay, right? The fewer bills you have the less you really have to work, right? .... and to devote as much of my time to writing and submitting as I possibly could. But what I also did was called up another company and got a gig doing contract work for them too. So I 've been working the two ends since January. Not having two jobs....just having a Plan B.
So, today, knowing that the jive ass gig is soon to be over, I stepped out with a polished resume, fresh off my printer, and landed another gig....contract mind replace the outgoing gig. Plan B. And so my girlfriend who is full time with the jive ass gig, said the main thing that's bothering her (she's likely to be eliminated since she just came on board) is that she didn't have a Plan B. And though she's marketable, I don't think she's as savvy. Oh well. Hard lesson learned.
Always, always have a Plan B.
On another note: Kudos to Nakachi for putting her Sisterfriend cape on, zipping it up to the neck, and helping StarMama in a major time of need. StarMama didn't just get a car, she got a van....a MotherShip for her and her little man. Go on StarMama, you rock that MotherShip. And Nakachi, you are too damn fly. I can't wait till you get to my side.
Last: So instead of worrying about the future yesterday and getting myself all tied in a knot, I figured it was time to go hit up Circuit City for a little bit of this. It's the best thing I've bought since Jill Scott. I'm definately diggin' it.
....and now, off to the races to pack. I'm going home.
Be well. Be Love(d).